Tuesday, April 20, 2010

PLN 20

In the article "One Toe Back in the Classroom" by Karl Fisch describes Karl Fisch having to multi-task under the economy. Karl Fisch has to teach algebra 1 next year while also doing his current job, help students, and helping with the new language arts books. The day outlook is busy just because of teaching and other important things. Karl Fisch should not have to balance to many things on his shoulders. Teaching is a hard enough job but when you add ordering books, and doing his current job it's like paying one man for two jobs. This reason is probably because of the economy and cut backs. Teaching requires hours upon hours of dedication and hard work not to mention doing another job. Karl Fisch must be under stress because of his jobs. Karl Fisch should not have to teach algebra 1 next year because it is to much weight on his shoulders.

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