Monday, February 8, 2010


In the article No More High School–Play Along by Will Richardson talks about what school would be like for 14-18 year old kids if highschools were taken out of the education system. Then it goes on to describe what kids would do to fill that gap for education. If education was compromised then organizations would rise up and new, more expensive schools would rise up. If high schools were taken out of the system than our country would go into a downfall because many people would not be able to keep up or aford to go to school. America will not be up to date with other nations and would prepare this nation to become a 3rd world country. Education is the most important thing a person can value, if no education was there then no opportunities for a better life. Life is just about education and when education is taken out of the system, than the system has truely failed.


  1. Great Presentation!No child should be taken out of education.

  2. I like your topic very good. Good points. Try not to stumble so much.

  3. you did a good job but you were just starring at the ground but you did a good job and a good question

  4. Nice blog and presentaation. What would happen?

  5. Mike very nice job i like the topic very much. it is a great point.

  6. good job. try and look around more instead of looking in one spot.

  7. You look tense. But other than that, good job

  8. try not to leave big pauses between your words

  9. Good presentation, talk more about your opinion of the article.

  10. High school should not stop and more people would drop out if it did. Good presentation by the way!

  11. Good presentation and good job not fidgeting.

  12. Make eye contact with the audience. Try to explain the article to us more so we have a clear understanding. Good job.

  13. good presentation and your question created a nice discussion. Come a little more prepared though but good PLN

  14. Nice Mike! I think you did a good job and agree with you.

  15. Great presentation, but bring notecards so you do not have to look back.

  16. You seemed to stare off into space, and not look at the audience. Other than that, great.
